Compounding Pet Medication at Pleasant Hills Pharmacy

Compounding Pet Medication at Pleasant Hills Pharmacy

Compounding Pet Medication at Pleasant Hills Pharmacy

Yes, we compound medications for animals, too! When it comes to animal lovers, all of us here at Pleasant Hills Pharmacy top that list. We know the love that pets can bring into someone’s life, and the difficulty in watching a pet go through illness and injuries. That’s why we have always been so dedicated to our veterinary medication compounding.

Just like with humans, pets come in all shapes and sizes. It’s nice that they are considered by the major drug producers, but those “one-size-fits-all” approaches many times do not specifically account for the particular needs of your pet. Compounding your pet’s medications allows us to custom-design the right delivery system (we can even create transdermal medications for pets) with the right dosage that will ensure that your pet is well taken care of and on the path to a wonderful, healthy lifestyle again.

We also know how difficult it can be to try to feed pills to your pet. We can compound the medications into flavors that are pretty much guaranteed to be “a treat” to your pet. Hey, what they don’t know won’t hurt them (actually, it will help them)! We’re glad to spare you and your pet the difficult experience of force-feeding medications, dealing with bitter tastes, and chasing down your obviously unwilling-to-take-the-medication loved one. Pets should be held, not held down.

We provide a wide variety of compounded medications for animals, from compounded pet meds to customized prescriptions for animals on farms and in zoos, using the wide variety of tools we have to prepare tailor-made remedies.

In addition, just like with all of our compounding services, we can modify ingredients. Many animals have allergies and intolerances to medications, just like humans. We can adjust dosages and ingredients based on your animal’s specific needs.

If you’re a pet owner, ask us about our services. We’re glad to help you take an already existing prescription or your next one and turn it into something your pet will look forward to (as hard as that may be to believe right now).